Four key trends shaping the workplace

We dramatically changed how (and where) we worked in 2020 and some of the key trends will continue. Geetika Tandon of management and tech consultancy BooZ Allen Hamilton predicts we will see these four trends dominate the workplace in 2021 and beyond.

Trend #1 – Embracing the Digital Workplace while retaining the Physical.
While the office might be here to stay, how it looks will change and remote working will form a sizeable portion of the workplace. Video conferencing, facial recognition, virtual workspaces, online avatars, and increasing cyber security will be a focus.

Trend #2 – Globally Dispersed and Diverse workforce.
The gig economy, more control over working hours and location and a widespread workforce through remote work. A business’s access to the best people is not constrained by geographical location any longer. We have seen we can work with the best people, wherever they are.

Trend #3 – Reskilling of employees.
Organisations are now exploring new technologies and new ways of doing business. Upskilling and retraining employees will be a priority.

Trend #4 - Greater emphasis on Employee Safety (and psychological safety).
Over the past decade, mental health issues, burnout, and workplace stress have become widespread. The COVID-19 pandemic exacerbated these with reduced work/home boundaries, time off reducing and working longer hours.

Stress, loneliness and mental health are front and center in the employee wellbeing conversation today. The residual effects of the pandemic, even with a vaccine, will see ongoing issues with our people for some time to come.

I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments.


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