Leadership Insights: When Minimising is More About You Than Them
Your team's psychological safety matters more than your momentary discomfort.
The Iceberg of Innocence – Knowledge is King
There's been a noticeable change in the business landscape recently. Organisations are suddenly very keen to tackle the Psychosocial Hazards legislation and compliance.
What is growing in the Petri dish??
Remember back in high-school and biology class? One experiment was to see what we could cultivate or create in an environment we thought we controlled. The Petri-dish was used to create the conditions to grow bacteria in a controlled and anticipated way.
Leadsplaining: When 'Helping' Doesn’t Help
Lead Like You Give A Sh*t!
“Empathy is not all it is cracked up to be…”
When team members fail to show empathy towards another, it can make us feel undervalued and unheard.
Our brains love predictability and reciprocity (trust) almost as much as they love chocolate!
“Without trust, we don’t truly collaborate; we merely coordinate or, at best, cooperate. It is trust that transforms a group of people into a team.” — Stephen Covey
“Pineapple has NO BUSINESS on a pizza!”
Challenging our sense of Safety, Trust and Belonging.
TRUST – An Emotional response, not necessarily a rational, considered one.
Our ability to share everything, to look out for each other, and work together is what has helped us to survive to this very day.
MATTERING – THE SECRET SAUCE OF THRIVING TEAMS. How feeling valued feeds engagement.
Our ability to share everything, to look out for each other, and work together is what has helped us to survive to this very day.
Overwhelmed and Underappreciated: The Emotional Toll of 'Doing More with Less'
Disruption seems to now be the new normal, and our inability to source quality replacements for team members who have left. So more is falling on the few.
Collective Emotions – Lesson from #BlackLivesMatter and #MeToo.
Have you ever stopped to think about the power of collective emotions?
The Toxic Symphony: How Gossip and Mistrust Undermine Team Success
When we don’t have the dots to join, we will make up our own dots, just to try make sense of it all. This is a survival instinct.
Resentment and Exclusion: The Silent Killers of Team Harmony
How much, or what, friction do we allow in order to grow?
Navigating the storm of (felt) Institutional Betrayal in teams
Trust is the first thing to go. Followed by a process likely to include office gossip and toxic rhetoric which can even seep into conversations with customers and clients.
THE EPIDEMIC OF TEAM DYSFUNCTION: Understanding the emotional roots
Understanding the emotional roots
Creating a Blockbuster Team: The Role of Emotional Atmosphere in Team Success.
The Role of Emotional Atmosphere in Team Success.
“Burnout is everybody’s business”
Empathic Distress
“I am pulling away to self-protect”.
Moral distress occurs when one knows the ethically correct action to take but is constrained by external factors, such as institutional policies or lack of resources.