What is Your Relationship With Relationships?

If you have been following my recent newsletters, you will know I have been exploring Siegelman’s PERMA model of fulfilment, flourishing and wellbeing.

The third letter of the acronym is about relationships. And particularly positive ones that help us feel supported, loved, and valued by our tribe.

There is an obvious relationship (see what I did there??) between feeling deeply connected and better health and self-care. Lower rates of anxiety and depression, greater self-esteem, greater empathy, deeper trust of others.

In fact, loneliness is said to have the same effect on our life expectancy as smoking 15 cigarettes a day! We are 50% more likely to die prematurely from isolation. And loneliness than those with healthy social connections, according to Amy Morin and Inc magazine.

We are social creatures and feeling like we are safe and belong is an instinctive, primary need for survival.

We are also learning more and more about dopamine, that brain neurotransmitter that is related to reward and emotions. It isn’t just about the excitement of hearing the ice-cream truck approaching!

Dopamine and oxytocin are released in both people in the relationship when connecting in a healthy way.

Try striking up a conversation with a stranger or someone you don’t know well. Keep in regular touch with people who matter, and maybe reach out to those you may have drifted from. They may need to as much, or more than, you do.

I hope that reading this has given you an impulse to connect with someone who may have drifted…


What do I Mean by Meaning??


How married are you to the idea of Engagement?