Flip the Script on Burnout #2

In my last newsletter, we started a conversation on the upside to burnout.

I reckon Steve Mc Catchley was correct when, in 2017, before the pandemic, suggested four areas of positives to burnout:

Introspection – burnout makes us look at the bigger picture. Once we know what is affecting us, we can start looking at what is important to us. To determine what is wrong and isn’t serving us. And to determine which is worth pursuing.

Inspiration – burnout makes us take stock and determine what needs to shift so we don’t end up back here again. Our introspection has figured out our strengths and growth areas, what we want to do and be. Now we can be inspired to figure out the changes we need.

Motivation – we muster the energy to make those changes. We decide on what will bring a level of contentment and passion back to our lives. And we go get it!

Courage – we may have to move out of our comfort zone, try new things, face our fears, take risks and be vulnerable. The answer is no until we ask/try/do… Fear of failure is very real for most people. But staying where you are if burnt out isn’t going to improve your situation on its own.

Remember that this intense emotional journey can grant us the power to positively transform our life and our career, should we choose to see the upside in it.

Next time let’s look at what we might need in our arsenal to ensure we win the fight.

2022 is around the corner – ‘New Year, New You’ Dare we kick off with a new frame of mind? I can help with that.


Why not to numb


Flip the Script on Burnout